The first thing I thought about was, what to bring? Since the purpose was for the picturing I felt a 3 lens setup (wide angle, normal, and telephoto) was ideal. However, I didn't have a bag that I could "work out of". I had a backpack. I learned quickly at the car races that a backpack is a pain in the butt in these circumstances. For other "walk-about" things I only carried the camera and a lens anyway, no bag, and of course, no other lenses to use. For the other stuff I do, I generally stay "planted" long enough that my backpack just lays on the ground, open, allowing me easy access to my stuff. I felt I really needed a bag for this. It pained me to do, but I bought a shoulder bag by Thinktank to take, and it worked out well. I picked up the Urban 35. It will see good use in the future too.
When I got there I walked out of the car garage and saw a couple who were participating in the event. Both of them were both just bringing cameras. For a brief moment I thought about going to my car and leaving everything but my camera. I panicked. I didn't want to be "That Guy" with more gear than sense. But, no, I knew downtown Frederick pretty well, and had ideas for each lens I brought. It turns out I didn't need to worry, I was about average in terms of what I carried.
Here are some of the pictures from the day. I am still working on some HDR images, one of which is my favorite. I will use it to represent my work.
These that I have posted haven't even been through my normal processing. This is straight out of the converter (tweaked in there some though).
These first few are what I call "found images". These are things that caught my eye and I looked at them through the camera until a composition clicked with me. It maybe interesting to point out I don't consciously follow any rules of composition when doing this. I just keep looking until I like it, and I have excluded everything from the frame I don't want (if possible). I only mention this because I see a lot of people become slaves to the "rule of thirds" and other guides. Use them if you need them, but learn to trust what you like in the viewfinder too!
The next few are images that I saw the potential before I put the camera to my eye. In the case of the chairs I chose one of my experiments and not the picture in my minds eye, but that doesn't change the category that I want it in!
I knew from living in Frederick that downtown had a few paintings on the walls. I didn't go visit the mural, but I did pick up some shots of these paintings. The figure on the wall is pretty famous, and I have said I was going to get a picture of it for years.
I know this is quite a few pictures. As always, you can see these larger if you click on them.
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