Monday, May 18, 2009

More Abstracts

Okay, okay, I hear you-- or maybe thats just the voice in my head. Why am I posting more abstracts? I have still been playing with the cell phone camera. Plus I haven't managed to schedule the picture-making I have in mind! Hopefully this week, tomorrow sounds good.

For anyone who is seeing this through a reader, come visit the actual blog and try the poll. I have one response! I know more than one person peeks at this. It will run through this Sunday.

I went to the library last weekend. A local photographer has some family portraits on display. Of course I had to check her website out. I found she has a blog. I probably would not be posting this, except, she has a picture of one of my high school classmates online! I'm not sure why this fascinated me so much, I mean, the web has a bajillion pictures on it. It's likely I know a few of the people in them! But, I still found it surprising.

Of course, I feel slightly silly right now. That photographer is posting cool pictures of my classmates and their kids -- and I'm posting found pictures of water fountains and storm drains. I am slightly jealous.

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