Monday, March 29, 2010

After 6 months it is finished.

I finally finished using a roll of Kodachrome that has been in my camera for about 6 months.  When I bought it, I bought 2 rolls to use in my Song Project picture.

The question becomes, do I send 1 roll of film in for processing, or wait and use up the second first?  This is the final year of Kodachrome processing, so I don't want to wait too long.

I would show some of the pictures, but, well, we'll just have to wait for processing first.

I also forgot how painful it is to pay for this stuff.  The film was $7/roll.  Processing is $10/roll.  Shipping if I don't wait for the other one to be ready is $4.50.  This means 36 images will cost me $21.50.  I know from my previous film use to expect about 3 keepers out of that.

However, my film camera probably feels better in my hand than any of my digitals.  It is the way the grip flows.  But, because this stuff was ISO 64, the camera stayed perched on a tripod for every exposure!

I guess I can at least pretend I'm all "artsy" now.

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