When you are taken out of the normal rhythm of life a number of things can happen. For me, no matter what it is, my wind will wander around in the little playground in my head.
Lately I have found myself reliving "glory days", inventing limericks (no I won't share), creating a list of song titles for Tobias' metal album, and thinking about the first thing I am going to do when this cast is gone.
I'm a competitive individual. Its not so much that I have to win at what I do, but I have huge aversion to losing. I ran track in highschool. I primarily ran the 200 and 400 meter sprints as an individual and on the relay teams. I found myself thinking about one particular meet, the 1993 indoor track regionals. My coach entered me in the 300m sprint, which isn't something I ran all year. He told me, and then mentioned that because I had no previous times, and the A heat was full, I had to run with the B group. I hadn't ran in a B heat for two years. I felt self-conscious carrying my block's out to the line. No one else on the line had them. The A group was standing around waiting for their turn to line up, and I overheard someone say "pretentious". I don't know if they were talking about me, but I felt like it. I decided my goal was to make the poor guys stuck running with me look silly. The gun went off, and I made a great launch, to make a long story short after I crossed the finish line I slowed down, stopped, turned around, and saw second place about 4 steps out of the final turn. I also had the fastest time of the day.
My metal song titles so far are:
- Yell at the Cracker
- Deathbringer! Smasher of Ants
- Bedlam for Bedtime
- HELLO is My Greeting
I have two other random things.
My brother has a one post blog, maybe if people give him a nudge he'll continue.
Finally, I find it interesting how many songs revolve around the word Angel. Send Me an Angel, Wish I Had an Angel, Angel, Seven Spanish Angels, Entertaining Angels... to name just a few.
What does any of this have to do with photography? I have no idea, make your own connections.
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