It's amazing, but any time I get ideas like this in my head I am always provided something that makes the project easier. I am not sure how, or why this happens, but it does and I am extremely grateful.
This time, my help has come from Zack Arias' blog. He is doing portfolio critiques, in a "screencast" format. I watched closely as he went through the first few submissions he received. Its amazing what he is doing for people, but it makes me feel about this big, and he isn't even critiquing my stuff. However, I challenge any photographer to watch these. If you don't see your shortcomings reflected in something he says you are either a) already amazing or b) not honest with yourself. Right now, I'm not feeling very special, which is probably a good thing. But it hurts some.
I already had a few images in mind that I wanted to include in my portrait group. I watched Zack's critique of one image in horror because I realized an image I wanted in my portfolio has the exact same set of issues. Fortunately he offered a solution.

I have upped the resolution of the pictures posted. That, too, is suggested in the critques.
I saw the link to your photography site on GoDiscussions. I love photography but just haven't ever taken the time to learn enough to get past the basics. (I guess I'm still 25 kyu with a camera ;-)
Just wanted to say nice site. I'll check from time to time when I see you post on GD.
Thank you for the kind words.
I look forward to your visits.
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