Friday, February 26, 2010

My Valentine Project

At the beginning of the month I attempted a project that involved tossing clothing around. 

A couple weeks' ago, around Valentine's day, I remembered that project and came up with this idea.  However, between the snowstorms and tidying up the kitchen, pantry, and two closets for my wife's Valentine present I wasn't able to get it done.

I had some time this week.

So, here is a Valentine's story, of sorts.

Since we were digging way down into the dressers anyway, we took out a few other things too.  I'm kinda partial to the way the green one photographed, but it didn't want to fall very well. I couldn't build it into a collage.

Anyway, this is a good example of how a goof-off project can inform a more serious one.  I still think I can do better with this, but for now, I'll be content with how the idea is forming.

I also learned how to use a Gimp tool to put this together.  I used the foreground select tool.  I did this so I could drop the warmth on the background, but maintain it on the subjects.  I wish I knew about this tool earlier, it could have saved me a bit of work on some earlier image sets.

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